۱۳۹۰ اردیبهشت ۳۱, شنبه

Resolutions of Solidarity Committees with the Iranian Workers’ Movement Abroad

  1. Our „ interests in common “
1)      The solidarity committees with the Iranian workers recognize the defense of demands, struggles and independent trade unions in all forms as their primary task. The reflection of the news of workers struggles and other social movements in Iran is the next task of these committees.

2)      These committees have firm and clear political opinion toward the capitalist system of Islamic Republic and all reactionary, anti-worker and their agents on national and international level. To expose and fight against these reactionary forces and preventing the imperialistic, right-oriented institutions and others to benefit from workers struggles are other functions of these committees.

3)      Attempt to broaden the connectivity of Iranian labor movement with international labor movement to attract the broadest support and solidarity of the international progressive forces toward the Iranian labor movement. Defending the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist labor movement and other disadvantaged social classes on global level and active participation in these struggles are duties of solidarity committees.

4)      Promote the necessity of overthrowing the Islamic republic regime in Iran and the sovereignty of capital, include our duties.

5)      Exchange of information in order to cooperative work and protecting the solidarity committees abroad against the enemies of the working class and especially the Islamic Republic, include in our common tasks.

6)      Collecting Donations for independent labor organizations in Iran is another duty of solidarity committees with Iranian workers.

  1.  "Organs"
    1: General Assembly
1)      General Assembly is the highest organ of planning and decision-making of solidarity committees. The General Assembly will be held once every six months. The face to face meeting of the General Assembly is held once a year.

2)      Duties of the General Assembly: review of reports of coordination committee and other units, proposed changes or completion of fundamental principles of cooperation, planning and election of future coordination committee.

3)      General Assembly attended by two third of institutions (committees) will be recognized. Attendance of all institutions members in General Assembly is essential and free.

4)      An extraordinary General Assembly will be called with the proposal of a half plus one of the institutions (committees) and description of its necessity.

5)      Review and acceptance of application for membership from new institutions /entities occurs depending on their acceptance of our common principals and introducing by an institution (committee).

6)      Participation of guests in General Assembly occurs with the approval of two third of coordination committee.

7)      All members present in General Assembly have equal vote.

8)      Institution definition: Each institution consists of at least three members.

2. Coordination Committee

1)      The General Assembly elects a coordination committee containing three members to coordinate activities and follow-up resolutions, programs, and the relationship between the committees.

2)      Coordination committee meeting occurs once every 14 days in order to assign the duties between themselves or to other members. Other members of committees can also participate in these meetings with an advisory vote.

3)      The coordination committee is not allowed to spend efforts on programs beyond the resolutions of General Assembly, violate or change them. Any suggestion for new programs in order to be implementable must be announced to all committees and reach the consent of half plus one of them.

4)      The coordination committee itself does not carry out any program and only tries to involve all the comrades and acts as a task dispatcher by establishing task forces and coordinating the activities.

5)      Reports of general assemblies meetings, resolutions, announcements and news of all committees will only be published, both internal and external, by the coordination committee.

6)      General assembly meetings will be held according to the need and necessity. In theses meetings the committees provide a report of their activities and discussed issues and will consult and dialogue the proposals and current activities. The coordination committee is responsible for preparation and moderating of these meetings and finally reporting the outcome to all committees.

7)      The General Assembly meets every six months and elects a coordination committee in rotational. Each committee introduces one member as candidate for coordination committee.

  1. Terms of cooperation
1)      Each committee consists of people with different political tendencies, so this is a accumulation of different political views and independent of political parties and none of the political views by no means is allowed to impose or somehow considered these committees as its subset.
2)      The relation between the committees is based on the long term operational unity with direction and focus on practical activities. In such a approach and in order to increase the coherence and crystallization of the intellectual issues in theoretical fields and political and social issues we will cooperate based on the goals of the labor movement, but political and directional decisions will not be taken.
3)      The committees are completely independent on local level and can act on their selves or cooperate with any progressive entity. Also, In case of lack of agreement with a collective proposal they are not compelled to follow.   
4)      The committee’s decision making process is based on agreement, mutual trust, persuasion and discussion. In cases where voting is needed, half plus one votes will be essential to pass any decision of committees.
5)      The participation of committee’s in practical activities is voluntarily. In case of participation they are committed to perform and giving a written report of activity to the General Assembly.
6)      None of the committees is allowed to publish the internal documents, report of internal meeting of Committees, seminar and public meeting reports without the agreement of all committees.

The third face to face meeting of solidarity committees adopted the following resolution:
Emphasizing on “Our interests in common “ in the second face to face meeting in Hannover and based on the special circumstances in the current political situation in Iran, it is essential that:

Intensifying the campaigns to defend imprisoned, prosecuted and under pressure of labor movement activists and other social movements activists.

Performing and active participation in activities against the Islamic Republic of Iran, organized in interest of and defending labor movement in Iran and their demands.

We stress the Resolution of the Iranian workers from first of May 2009 and we will attempt to strengthen and go beyond this resolution at this years international labor day, we double emphasize on this day as one of the main fronts in terms of workers class struggle in the current situation of Iran.

Resolutions of third face to face meeting of Solidarity Committees with the Iranian Workers’ Movement Abroad
2-4 April 2010

Solidarity Committee with Iranian Workers Movement- Australia       proletarianunite@gmail.com   
Committee in Support of Workers in Iran – Toronto, Canada               toronto_committee@yahoo.ca
Committee in Defense of Iranian Workers – Norway                            
Committee of Socialist Solidarity with Iranian Workers – France       
Association of Solidarity with Iranian Workers – Frankfurt and
Suburb, Germany                                                                                   
Association of Solidarity with Iranian Workers – Hanover, Germany
Iranian and Swedish Workers' Solidarity Committee- Sweden            
Association of Solidarity with Iranian workers, Guttenberg ,Sweden 
Jamal Cherq-Veisi Worker Association                                                
Workers Solidarity Network                                                                              iranwsn@fastmail.fm                  
Iranian left AllianceWashington, USA                                               leftalliance@yahoo.com   
Association of Solidarity with Iranian and Canadian Workers              kanonhambastagi@gmail.com
Solidarity Center with Workers in Iran- Nord Rain Westfallen (Germany) solidarity.labor@googlemail.com