۱۳۹۰ اردیبهشت ۳۱, شنبه

Association of Solidarity of “Workers in Iran and Canada”

We are some activists and supporters of the Iranian worker movement in Canada that seeks to defend and support the workers’ struggles in Iran.This organization has been formed in August 2010 in support and solidarity of the Canadian labour movement, under the name "The Association of Solidarity of Workers in Iran and Canada.”
Purposes of The Association of Solidarity Workers in Iran and Canada:
Building close relationships between Iranian workers with the worker movement in Canada and rallying support for workers in Iran
Providing the news and campaigns of the Iranian worker movement to the Canadian labour movement in attempts to make awareness and  prompt change
Attending Canadian’s workers’ protests and creating more and stronger communicational relationships with workers in Canada.
Association of Solidarity workers in Iran and Canada is part of the Canadian internationalist movement of workers. It is formed to achieve the above, in the framework of regulations and Solidarity Committees Aboard workers obliging their standards. We are calling all activists to join and strengthen this cause.

The work
- Attending, contacting and organizing Labor meetings
- Contact activists, Solidarity Committees Aboard and  labor organizations
- Attending events in May and the International Women’s day held on
  March 8th.                      
- Formation of working groups to help and move forward current projects
- Night events promoting solidarity among our group
- Attract support and active participation in labour struggles, ceremonies
  And worker campaigns

Everyone agrees to the objectives all members are welcomed to join regardless of nationality, sex or religion
Members have full and equal rights as other members within the Association
Members have the right to elect and choose at all levels of the Association
Accepting responsibility in Association is voluntary.
The General Assembly is the highest post of the Association and is elected by a majority of members once every year.
Objectives, the work, regulations, and finances will be discussed periodically and the respective changes will be made 
General Assembly members most have the support of half+1 of the organization in order for their votes to be passed along with a minimum of two thirds of the members in attendance
Annual membership fee is $ 20 Canadian.
 Association of Solidarity of “Workers in Iran and Canada”
This is email address Association.
Please, contact with this email address.