۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۳۰, سه‌شنبه

To: Justicia for Migrant Workers

Dear Friends,
We, the Association of Solidarity with Iranian and Canadian Workers, who represents Iranian volunteer activists in Canada, are writing to you to express our support and solidarity with Justicia for Migrant Workers, empathising with migrant farm workers from Thailand, Mexico, Guatemala, and PhilippinesOur good understanding of the situation of the migrant workers comes from the experience that we, Iranians, had with masses of Afghans who fled their country. Thousands of Afghans lived and worked in Iran legally. Thousands of others did so without proper legal documentation. The authorities, aware of the situation, welcomed this source of cheap labour force, as many Afghans worked on building sites, in brick factories and on farms for much lower wages than their Iranian counterparts.
Our members are honoured to support our sisters and brothers in the solidarity with Iranian workers in financial and outreach.  We are also trying to mobilize our members together with the Iranian community to participate in the October 3rd march.
Furthermore, The Association of Solidarity with Iranian and Canadian Workers is kindly asking you to send a solidarity statement/message regarding Reza Shahabi and other worker activists, prisoners in Iran.

Reza Shahabi was kidnapped from his workplace on June 12, 2010 by agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and incarcerated. He is a member of the board of directors of Tehran & Suburb Bus Company- Sherkat Vahed syndicate.  Reza Shahabi had a serious health condition before his arrest and now his family is deeply concerned about his health as they have received no news from or about him so far.

We call once again on all activists and freedom lovers to protest against the anti-worker and capitalist Islamic regime of Iran and to fight for freedom of all political prisoners. We will not rest until Reza Shahabi and all political prisoners are freed!

We look forward to receiving your comments on this urgent matter, so that we can inform our members accordingly.

Thank you for your attention,
In Solidarity,

The Association of Solidarity with Iranian and Canadian Workers